1. class

    1. a blueprint for creating objects,it defines the attributes and behaviors that the objects of the class will possess
    2. constructor(—init—): special method, automatically called when an object is created
  2. Inheritance

    1. allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class(superclass)

    2. Overriding method: subclass can override methods inherited from the superclass

      #overriding method
      class Poodle(Dog):
          def bark(self):
              return "yelp"
      pod1 = Poodle("c",2)
    3. calling superclass methods with “super()” keyword

      class GermanShepherd(Dog):
          def __init__(self,name,age):
             self.kk = 'asdf'
          def bark(self):
              self.kk = "asdf"
  3. Encapsulation

    1. concept of hiding the internal implementation details of a class from the outside world. achieved by private and protected access modifiers

      # encapsulation -> hide functionality if a ckass from the outside world
      class Person:
          def __init__(self,name,age):
              self._namename = name
              self.__age = age
          def get_age(self):
              return self.__age
          def set_age(self,age):
              self.__age = age
      jay = Person("jay",3)
      #accessing private variable, attributes
      # accessing via public method
  4. Polymorphism

    1. allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common super class
    2. enables the same method name to behave differently for different classes
    # allow bojcet of diff classes to be treated as object of a common super class,it enables the same method name to behave differently for different classes
    class Bird:
        def fly(self):
            return "bird flying high"
    class Fish:
        def swim(self):
            return "fish swim"
    def move(animal):
        if isinstance(animal, Bird):
            return animal.fly()
        elif isinstance(animel, Fish):
            return animal.swim()
    bird = Bird()
    fish = Fish()
  5. Abstract base class(abc)

    1. ki sab mai area function hona hi chahiye
    # @abstract base classes
    # allows you to define abstract methods that must be implemented by subclasses.
    # they provide a way to define common interfaces for related classes
    from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
    class Shape(ABC):
        def area(self):
    class Square(Shape):
        def __init__(self,side):
            self.side = side
        def area(self):
            return self.side**2
    square = Square(5)