1. what is oops and why it is important
    1. oops is a programing technique that relays on objects rather then functions and procedures
    2. individual objects are grouped into classes in object oriented programing
    3. oops incorporate realworld concepts such as inheritance, abstraction,polymorphism into programing, it also enables programers to encapsulate both data and code together with framework named as class
  2. why it is important:
    1. allows more clarity, thus help in solving complex problems with simplicity
    2. reducing retendency
    3. ability to bind both code and data together
    4. data hiding: keeping sensitive data confidential
    5. by making use of oops large problems can be divided into smaller problems and improves code redability
    6. polymorphism gives flexibility to the program by allowing the entities to have multiple form
  3. what is class and object
    1. a class is an object’s blueprint or template,

    2. it is a data type that the user specifies.

    3. inside class we define variables, constants, member functions, etc

    4. a class does not consume memory at the run-time, and just act as a template to the object


    5. objects are basically instances of a class. they can access variables or methods declared inside the class.

  4. what is pure oop?
    1. pure oop language contains


    2. in java variable can be access by primitive type, and the static keyword can be accessed without the object, thus java is not a pure oops

    3. no predefined data type such as float character.

  5. what is the difference between inheritance and polymorphism
    1. s


  6. what is encapsulation
    1. encapsulation can be visulixxed as the process of placing everything needed to complete the work within the capsule and giving that capsule to the user,
    2. encapsulation means that all relavant data and operations are bound together, and unnecessory details are hidden to the normal user
    3. encapsulation is actually a techinique of tying data member and method of a program together, without disclosing unnecessary details
    4. define in two ways
      1. data hiding
        1. process of hiding unwanted information, such as restricting access to any member of an object by making it private
      2. data binding
        1. it binds the data member and the methods together as a whole, as a class to be precise
  7. what is abstraction
    1. you only want to know how the software only solves your problem,


    2. abstraction is the method of hiding unnecesoory details from the necessory one

    3. for example, you only need to know ho to drive a car properly, not how the wires inside it are connected, that is the exact process abstraction give us

  8. can we instantiatre an abstract class
    1. no
  9. what is the fundamental difference between abstraction and encapsulation?
    1. j
