1. Introduction to SVM

2. Necessary imports

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

3. About the Cancer data

4. Load Data From CSV File

antshield_exposures_df = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/nit_research/antshield_public_dataset/exposures.csv')

5. Distribution of the classes

ad_id = antshield_exposures_df[antshield_exposures_df['pii'] == 'AdvertiserId']

ad_id.plot(kind='scatter',color='blue',label='ad_id',x = 'package_name',y='count')

6. Selection of unwanted columns

7. Remove unwanted columns

8. Divide the data as Train/Test dataset

9. Modeling (SVM with Scikit-learn)